Summer Events

Writer's Retreat

Sun 11/05 – 11/08


A retreat for Writers of all ages and stages.
From novice to professional - published to self-published.
      • Enjoy 4 days of Relaxation
      • Get Inspired
      • Take Workshops
      • Listen to Lectures by Best-Selling, Award-Winning Authors
      • Meet Fellow Authors
      • And Write!
Special Guest Speakers

**We are currently working to fill a vacancy in the schedule due to a family emergency. Please stand by for an updated itinerary emailed this weekend. **

Dan Millman | "The Writer's Life"

Striving to capture the universal in the particulars, Dan invites you on a roller-coaster writer's journey from then to now. In sharing his story, and the lessons he learned about writing and life, Dan hopes to highlight the higher possibilities and promise of writing as a path of personal evolution. In the process he'll share some favorite writing quotations — essential reminders of the practice and process — and will also share some unusual insights into the "characters of the psyche" that can help writers create more interesting characters. Dan's Bio


Paulette Kennedy | "How to Craft a Killer Opening Line"

In this workshop, writers will learn the art of captivating readers from the very first line. Through insightful techniques and examples, attendees will discover how to create a compelling and impactful opening sentence that hooks readers' attention and sets the tone for an engaging literary journey. Paulette's Bio





Jessica Dodge | "The Art of Marketing Your Book"

Unlock the secrets to effectively promote and market your book with this dynamic session. Attendees will gain practical strategies and insights into navigating the modern landscape of book marketing, covering everything from a killer cover to building an online presence to maximize their book's reach and impact. Jessica's Bio



Kimberly Kenna | "Transformative Storytelling: The Magic of Embracing Vulnerability on the Page"

Kimberly will share how facing personal truths ignited her passion for writing, moving her from raw cathartic poetry to fiction for children. She’ll discuss how the playfulness of expressive arts, like drama, music, and movement, helped her heal and brought her writing to a new level. Writers of all levels and genres will learn how tapping into our inner child allows us to see storytelling in a new, much more vibrant light.  Kimberly's Bio


NoneTalia Zales | "The Creative Process"

Join us for a transformative workshop that delves into the intricacies of writing and creativity. Discover the nuances of these processes, connect your imagination to the paper, and celebrate individual differences in creative expression." Talia's Bio

 The Writer's Retreat Package includes meals!
Sunday, November 5 Gourmet Hors D’Oeuvres  & Opening Sessions
Monday, November 6 Breakfast, Workshops, Lunch & Dinner
Tuesday, November 7 Breakfast, Workshops, Lunch & Dinner
Wednesday, November 8 Breakfast, Workshops & Lunch
 Retreat Pricing includes a three night stay, meals and service charge
Room Type
Single Room
Two Person Room | Per Person
Classic Room $858.60 $620.10
Lakeview & Gardenview Deluxe $888.59 $635.11
Lakeview Terrace $948.60 $665.10
Day Rates also Available   Rates are Subject to 9% VT Accomodations Tax
Call 802-333-4311 to Reserve your Place at the Writer's Retreat
Commuter Day Rates
Monday, November 6  $72 Breakfast, Lunch & Workshops
Tuesday, November 7 $72 Breakfast, Lunch & Workshops
Wednesday, November 8 $72 Breakfast, Lunch & Workshops

Day Ticket Pricing Includes Tax & Service Charge

Final Schedule


 Day 1 | Sunday, Nov 5
3pm ARRIVAL & CHECK IN Settle into your retreat
4pm-5pm FREE TIME Enjoy the resort amenities and relax
5pm-6pm DEDICATED WRITING TIME Work on your Writing Project
6pm-9pm MEET & GREAT RECEPTION Gourmet Hors D’Oeuvres and socialize
Day 2 | Monday, Nov 6
7:30am BREAKFAST Lakeside Breakfast
9am-11am DEDICATED WRITING TIME Work on your Writing Projects with writing exercises by a guest instructor
11am-12pm GUEST SPEAKER Dan Millman | "The Writer's Life"
12pm-1pm LUNCH BREAK Enjoy group lunch lakeside
1pm-2pm LECTURE

Jessica Dodge | "Crafting a Unique Book"

2pm-3pm LECTURE

Talia Zales | "The Creative Process

2:30pm-5:30pm DEDICATED WRITING TIME Option to take a break or connect with other writers
5:30pm-7pm FREE TIME Enjoy resort amentities, a walk or the surrounding area
7pm DINNER Share a meal and socialize
8:30pm MOVIE In the Theater!
Day 3 | Tuesday, Nov 7
7:30am BREAKFAST Lakeside Breakfast
9am-12pm DEDICATED WRITING TIME Work on your Writing Projects with writing exercises by a guest instructor
12pm-1pm LUNCH BREAK Enjoy group lunch lakeside
1pm-2pm LECTURE

Mary Kronenwetter | "How to Craft a Killer Opening Line"

2pm-3pm LECTURE Jessica Dodge | "The Art of Marketing your Book"
3pm-4pm LECTURE Kimberly Kenna | "Transformative Storytelling: The Magic of Embracing Vulnerability on the Page"
4pm-5:30pm DEDICATED WRITING TIME Option to take a break or connect with other writers
5:30pm-7pm FREE TIME Enjoy resort amentities, a walk or the surrounding area
7pm DINNER Share a meal and socialize
8:30pm GROUP DISCUSSIONS Optional social activity discussing your writing
Day 4
7:30am BREAKFAST Lakeside Breakfast
9am-12pm DEDICATED WRITING TIME Work on your Writing Projects with writing prompts by a guest instructor
12pm-1pm LUNCH BREAK Enjoy group lunch lakeside
1pm-3pm CLOSING SESSION Wrap up Q&A Session
3pm DEPARTURE Good-byes!