Monday Night Quota League: Quota Participants Only
- 4:30pm Shotgun
- The league will consist of two person teams that will compete in a head to head match on Monday nights.
- Each team member must have an established handicap before the league start date,
- However, after the third week of play each member of the league will have their own league handicap (that canchange weekly) which will be independent from their official World Handicap index.
- Following the last round of league play there will be a banquet (that will include food) in which prizes will be awarded along with the crowning of the League Champion.
- For the new leaguers we will base your quota on your handicap the first three weeks then average your first 3 quota scores to determine your league quota from there on out.
- We rotate front 9 and back 9 week to week.
- Format: 9-hole overall Quota head-to-head (total points not match play). 3 points available each
- week.
- A vs. A
- B vs. B
- Team vs Team
- After established league handicap (3 round average) Target score= number of points needed (for
- each individual)
- -if +1 or -1 of your target number then no change the following week
- -If -2 or worse on target score your target number will go down by 1 the following week.
- -If +2 or better on target score your target number will increase by 2 the following week.
- Max number of points is 24